Recycle bins
Published on Thursday, 24 October 2024 at 1:38:06 PM

The Shire of Gnowangerup supplies fortnightly kerbside recycling service for the 3 towns of Borden, Ongerup and Gnowangerup.
These yellow top bins are for recyclable , material only, but a number of residents have been using them as rubbish bins or placing a lot of non-recyclable material in them. This is contaminating the recycling material and leading for a lot of extra material being dumped at our limit landfill sites.
To reduce this contamination the shire will start placing information on your recycling bin if it is non-complaint as from the 7 November 2024 and will stop picking up the bins until they comply from the 2 January 2025.
If you have any questions or require a site visit by staff to explain the requirements, please contact the Shire Office on 98271007.
Lets work together to reduce our waste and make this a more sustainable community.