Customer Feedback

For any customer feedback, please contact us via the form below:

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SMS Service


Customer Declaration

Following are my contact details for inclusion on the SMS Movement Ban contact list. In submitting this update I acknowledge that the mobile telephone network for our district can sometimes be unreliable and I agree to the following:
• That I understand problems may occur from time to time with the system, with omissions or deletions being through staff input errors, electronic faults or phone network problems.
• That it is my responsibility to ensure that I contact a Fire Control Officer, the Shire Office or the Movement Ban Information line (9827 1007 or 9827 1711) should I believe that a Movement Ban may be in place even though no SMS message has been received to my service.

• That it is my responsibility to ensure that my contact details are updated, deleted or reinstated as the case may be.

Yes I Agree*This field is required.
Categories*This field is required.
Thank You

Thank you for your application, your details will be updated shortly.

Kind regards,

Shire of Gnowangerup

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