Proposed Road Closure
Published on Monday, 24 February 2025 at 12:23:16 PM

The Shire is considering developing a Recreation Precinct in the centre of the Gnowangerup townsite. It is proposed that the recreation precinct include the areas of:
- Nobarach Park;
- A portion of Aylmore Street; and
- Including an adjacent vacant lot.
See the Attachment 1, which shows the proposed Recreation Precinct.

The proposed recreation precinct is ideally located on a main tourist route, adjacent to a school and in the centre of the Gnowangerup townsite. It is proposed that recreation facilities are developed on the portion of Aylmore Street and the adjacent vacant lot, to complement the existing facilities (play area and toilets) at Nobarach Park. Additional recreational facilities may include: a skate and pump rack, basketball court, seating, viewing areas, and shade structures. In order for the portion of Aylmore Street to be developed with recreational facilities, it is proposed that the portion of road is permanently closed to traffic. The closure of the portion of Aylmore Street means local residents would need to utilise other available roads to access to and from the main street of Yougenup Road. The closure of the portion of Aylmore Street would allow for a safe recreational space, free from vehicle movement. If the road is not closed, the recreation precinct would be smaller and there may be safety issues with pedestrians crossing the road from Nobarach to the proposed recreation facility on the adjacent vacant lot.
See the Attachment 2, which shows alternative access routes connecting residents to the centre of town.

The process to permanently close a road involves Council taking into consideration neighbouring landholder comments and public and agency comments. The Shire hereby invites members of the public to provide written comment on the proposal to close the portion of Aylmore Street. Comments will be presented to the Council and a decision made to:
- Recommend that the Minister endorse the proposed road closure; or
- Agree not to proceed with a road closure process.
Please make written comment to the Shire of Gnowangerup, 28 Yougenup Road, Gnowangerup WA 6335, or email to, on or before 4pm Thursday 17th April 2025. Members of the public will be made aware of the date this report is presented to Council and are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact David Nicholson (Chief Executive Officer) or Adrian Nicoll (Town Planner) or Penny Wells (Communications and Events Coordinator) through the Shire Office on (08) 9827 1007.