Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the Lease of Portion of Reserve’s for cropping purposes
Published on Tuesday, 19 November 2024 at 2:07:49 PM

Pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act (1995) and Regulation 30 (2)(b)(i) Local (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, the Shire of Gnowangerup is seeking expressions of interest from community groups to lease Portion of Reserve 11486 (85 Yougenup Road, Gnowangerup), Portion of Reserve 28654 (Quinn St Gnowangerup and Kojonup Locations 3588 and 3374, Strathaven Road, Gnowangerup - known as “Virginia Land Estate”, for the purpose of sowing and harvesting a cereal crop in each of 2025, 2026 and 2027 farming seasons, with a potential further 2 year option thereafter. The lease will expire on 31 January 2028.
Property Description: Portion of Reserve 11486 (85 Yougenup Road, Gnowangerup)
Portion of Reserve 11486, being part of Lot 410 on Deposited Plan 164006 and being part of the land contained in Crown Land Title LR3092/565. The land in question is identified in the attached aerial photograph. The lot is 10.71 hectares.
Property Description: Portion of Reserve 28654 (Quinn St Gnowangerup)
Portion of Reserve 28654, being part of Lot 347 on Deposited Plan 210108 and being part of the land contained in Crown Land Title LR3038/396. The land in question is identified in the attached aerial photograph. The Lot is 6.04 hectares

Property Description: Kojonup Locations 3588 and 3374, Strathaven Road, Gnowangerup - known as “Virginia Land Estate”
Kojonup Location 3374 on Crown Diagram 25501, being the whole of the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 2210 Folio 460, and Kojonup Location 3588 on Crown Diagram 25087, being the whole of the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 2210 Folio 461, for the use of cropping purposes only. The land in question, owned by the Shire of Gnowangerup, is located on Strathaven Road, Gnowangerup (“Virginia Land” - total of 78 hectares) and is identified in the attached aerial photograph.
Written expressions of interest are required to include all Portions of Reserve outlining the proposed annual rental. Submissions close 4pm Friday, 17th January 2025.
All expressions of interest are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer – David Nicholson and lodged at