Drought Communities Extension Grant
Published on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at 3:39:00 PM
Request for Community Projects
The Shire of Gnowangerup has access to a $1million grant to pursue a range of eligible projects to strengthen communities affected by decreasing rainfall and water security. The Gnowangerup Shire Council is keen to see all of these funds realised for the benefit of the whole Shire, and has prioritised a number of projects to secure the water future of the Shire and current and future asset needs. In addition to those projects, it will entertain project proposals from the community which not only meet the Commonwealth’s criteria for the grant, but have demonstrable community support. Persons or organisations wishing to seek inclusion in the Shire’s submission should first read the Grant Guidelines and Frquently Asked Questions.
Requests for funding should be in writing and should include;
- A one paragraph summary of the project, which includes an amount requested from the grant.
- A more detailed description of the project which identifies the eligible grant activity in the Guidelines which are addressed by your project, a reasonably detailed budget based on quotes or accurate estimates, some indication of broad community support such as letters of support and offers of financial or in-kind assistance, and how quickly the project could start and be completed (all projects applied for must be completed by the end of June 2021).
- All projects must be in the Shire of Gnowangerup and projects which can contribute to the economy and well-being of the Shire and/or the Region during the construction/implementation phase will be well regarded.
- The Shire of Gnowangerup is the applicant for all projects, and they must all be submitted to the Commonwealth at the same time. The Council will determine which grants proceed based on; the criteria above, and the funds available after key drought projects across the Shire have been costed. The Shire may seek community comment to assist its decision making – particularly if it is over subscribed.
- The minimum grant for each project is $25,000.
- Please contact the undersigned for any clarification – in the first instance, by email to bob.jarvis@gnowagerup.wa.gov.au.
All submissions should be with the Shire for preliminary assessment by 4PM, Monday the 27th April 2020, and can be sent by email, with any attachments, to gnpshire@gnowangerup.wa.gov.au please type “Community Drought Extension” in the subject line.
Bob Jarvis
Chief Executive Officer