Signage In The Shire Of Gnowangerup

Published on Thursday, 16 July 2020 at 3:16:00 PM

The Shire has noticed a large number of regulatory road signs (speed, stop signs, give way) and advisory signs that have been knocked down over the past few months. We understand that accidents can happen, especially when large machinery is being moved along our roads. We are asking that if you knock over a sign or see one already down that you report this so it can be fixed as soon as possible and not cause a road safety issue.

Regulatory signs are the responsibility of Main Roads all other signs belong to Local Government however, we are happy to assist in the reporting of damaged signs in an effort to keep our road users safe.

To report regulatory signs down, you can either contact Main Roads on 138 138 or visit You can also report the issue to the Shire Depot on 9827 1338.

For further information or enquiries regarding this please contact Yvette Wheatcroft, Manager of Works on 0439 791 925 or email