Request for Tender RFT 2023-1 Panel of Contractors ‘Wet and Dry Hire of Plant and Equipment’
Published on Friday, 15 July 2022 at 3:51:56 PM
The Shire of Gnowangerup invites tenders from eligible contractors and companies for the ‘Wet and Dry Hire of Plant and Equipment’ for operations on Council’s road network for a two-year period with a possible one-year extension.
For the provision of RFT documentation, please email For any questions in respect to the tender please contact Geoff Carberry on 0499 899 423.
An optional workshop will be provided for contractors new to working with local governments at a date to be determined and can be attended either in person or via teams. The workshop will cover areas such as insurance, qualification evidence and submission. This workshop will be generic in nature and not specific to this actual Tender.
Tenders shall be valid for a period of 90 days after tender opening and shall be lodged:
- In person – In a sealed envelope marked RFT2023-1 ‘Wet and Dry Hire of Plant and Equipment’ deposited in the Tender Box at the Shire Office, 28 Yougenup Road, Gnowangerup WA 6335.
- Post – In a sealed envelope marked RFT2023-1 ‘Wet and Dry Hire of Plant and Equipment’ and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Gnowangerup, 28 Yougeneup Road, Gnowangerup WA 6335 or
- Email – at
on or before 2.00pm (AWST) Thursday 11 August 2022.
Note: Faxed tenders will NOT be accepted.
The lowest cost tender will not necessarily be accepted. Canvassing of Councillors shall disqualify applicants.
Bob Jarvis
Chief Executive Officer Shire of Gnowangerup